Il Dirigente Scolastico Rosa Cartella annuncia un’importante novità all’I.C. King di Caltanissetta: un progetto Erasmus (EC Project Number: 2018-1-CY01-KA229-046899_1) apre le porte della scuola all’Europa con un partenariato strategico e  uno scambio di buone pratiche tra scuole di Cipro, Croazia, Germania, Italia e Portogallo. Un progetto di mobilità degli studenti( KA2) nel biennio 2018- 2020 centrato sull’innovazione, nell’intento condiviso di “fare scuola “in modo diverso, utilizzando le nuove tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione nella prassi educativo-didattica quotidiana. Insieme innoviamo ( Innovative schools together) è il titolo del progetto e offrirà agli alunni un ventaglio ampio di opportunità di crescita e di sviluppo delle competenze chiave europee di  Comunicazione nella lingua madre, nelle lingue straniere, Competenza matematica, tecnologica, digitale, sociale e interculturale.



Website progetto: 


Erasmus+ KA2 School Partnership Project


Project Title: Innovative schools together

Countries : Cyprus- Croatia- Italy- Germany- Portugal

Duration: 24 months

The project will focus on the areas of Literacy, Numeracy, Technology and openness to Europe through school cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.


1.      Promoting the acquisition of skills and competencies

One of the main aims of this project is to develop innovative practices through the use of technology. 

2.      Social inclusion

The institutions involved in this project want to promote a genuine social and intercultural inclusion, in order to accept differences and overcome difficult situations.

3.      Open and innovative practices in a digital era

Learning together with peers from different countries will raise students’ motivation on using technology effectively, make them more confident and develop their social skills. 


1.      to improve the schools’ approaches and teaching methods in key competences by sharing good practices in all participant schools;

2.      to increase children’s motivation for learning by using technology regularly to research, study, document, create and develop skills;

3.      to improve teachers’ skills in providing the appropriate, individualized education for children of different learning abilities, social and ethnic backgrounds;  

4.      to achieve better learning outcomes for all pupils in a long-term perspective; 

5.      to promote intercultural competencies and knowledge.


During the two years life span of the project we will create a portfolio of practical materials and guidance on learning/teaching through practice in the field of Literacy, Numeracy, Technology and Integrated skills.  This material will inform, teach and promote the countries involved in the project.

Results expected during the project: A

Results expected on project completion: B

The material will be realized in both digital and printed work and will include:

1. Literacy Activities:

·     Traditions and legends from the participants’ countries – Pupils will interview people about the topic.

·    Our project mascot’s adventures – travel diary – a collaborative work of the pupils from all partner schools, a Robot travels across the countries and one school after the other, elaborates on its fictional and real adventures. 

·     How to become a good European citizen project: The project mascot discovers and tells the common values and rights.

·     A multilingual dictionary: The project mascot speaks the participants’ languages / 20 useful phrases from every country – A collaborative work also in audio-visual version.

2. Numeracy Activities:

·    Board games – one game per level – a game dedicated to each of the participants’ country and their characteristics

·    New games – classes from each school will create a new board game

·    Outdoor games – each school will present a popular outdoor game within numeracy     

·    Coding games – each school will practice with robotics which combines problem solving and fun

3. Celebrations:

·        International Day for Tolerance / 16th November

·        International Day of People with Disabilities / 3rd December

·        Holocaust Memorial Day / 27th January

·        Book Day / March

·        Earth Day / 22nd April

·        Europe Day / 9th May

·        A local Day – every school will present their special day.

4. Promoting the Regions

·      Tourist guide – creation of a brochure for promoting the regions through short written description and photo coverage of the sites referred to throughout the project.

·      Video tutorial: a video where students act as tourist guides to present a site of interest in each own area.

·      4 Seasons in 6 regions’ interactive Google calendar as two-year record of all the outdoor activities done in the project.

·      Regional specialties – a picture dictionary with 10 regional products from every country.

5. Digital Competencies Guide  

·  Learning in practice – 2 bulletins including exercises about the activities carried out during 1 project year.

· Teaching in practice – a compilation of 24 lesson plans (4 per country) dedicated to teaching Literacy, Numeracy, Technology



6.      Project website – the website will include:

·      All the surveys’ results with their description

·      Multimedia presentations as a part of pupils’ and teachers’ reports on every project meeting – 1 presentation from every country after every meeting.

·      Photo coverage and written description of major project events and activities.

·      All the relevant links.

7. Newsletter   (A)

8. Twinspace (A)   

9. Dedicated facebook page and wikispaces platform  

The materials will be accessible either in printed or/and in digital form at all the partners’ disposal. They can be used either in regular classes as a part of the curriculum or during extra-curricular classes. Each teacher can easily adapt the materials to their pupils’ needs because most of them will have an interdisciplinary value and will be divided into age and linguistic levels.



Each partner school undertakes a number of activities during the Erasmus+ mobility in partners’ country.


A.     Short-term joint staff training events


·         Workshops for learning ICT (Information and Communication Technology) skills and how to make use of various Web 2.0 Technology tools and programs applied to Literacy and Numeracy topics.

·         Workshop “Lego we do”: Students can use “Lego we do” robotic package to construct their robots and after they can program/write a code with scratch (free programming tool). Lego we do is a flexible robotic package. Kids can create whatever they want or whatever the teacher ask them to construct (like animals, windmills etc.)

·         Workshop on “Story jumper (free web 2.0 tool). Groups of pupils can write fairy tales and create electronic books. The electronic books have a printable version.

·         Workshop: teams will make a competition on a board game and on an outdoor game 

B.    Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

C.    Examples

·         Let’s meet each other’ – presentation of the funny Robot (a mascot) and its story so far, pupils present their regions through a song or/and a dance.

·         Innovate lesson – pupils learn from each other: basic communicative phrases in English and other Innovate together languages.

·         Pupils present some parts of the work done so far on Literacy, Numeracy, Promoting the Regions, Celebrations of Days. They will work out part of the audio-video version of the Intercultural dictionary teaching each other their language pronunciation.

·         Pupils present sets of ‘Values and rights’ discovered by the project mascot terms in their language and they teach them to other pupils using their strategies of learning new vocabulary (learning to learn strategies) through the use of interactive whiteboard

·         Continuing Innovate together Dictionary- a joint project work.

·         Visit to the local environment – the chosen tour for the brochure/video tutorial

·         Visit to the local library, the host pupils and teachers present the book they have chosen for the Book day by using audio-visual and mime

·         A play presented by pupils-preparatory activities: choreography, costumes, invitations.

·         A video on the learning activities- a joint project-work.